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品山露Monthé Canelé是一款結合台灣茶區文化和山巒意象的可麗露,造型上透過山巒意象的可麗露刻劃出台灣山林之美,口味上則結合台灣6種特色茶,將各茶區的氣候或人文特色轉化為可麗露的口味,在品嘗時能在視覺和味覺上認識台灣茶文化,能彷彿置身群山環繞的山林並感受茶葉的芬芳,一邊品嚐山巒可麗露、一邊發掘台灣茶文化的淵源及特色。

Monthé Canelé is a canelé that combines the culture of Taiwan's tea region and the image of mountains. The shape of Canelé depicts the beauty of Taiwan's mountains and forests through the image of mountains. In terms of taste, it combines six special teas from Taiwan. The climate or cultural characteristics of the region can be transformed into the taste of Kelilu, and the Taiwanese tea culture can be recognized visually and tastefully when tasting.

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